T-shirts (Was: Good license plates :-) )

From: Arjen Kamphuis (mountain@knoware.nl)
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 07:18:31 MDT

 At 21:48 7/9/98 +0000, promixr@ix.netcom.com wrote:
>along similar lines...do we have among us any whose entrepenurial savy
>has produced bumper stickers....maybe some t-shirts?
>i'd wear 'em.

For Transvision '98 Dutch transhumanist Henri Kluytmans made a Coreldraw
picture of Beavis & Butthead standing waist-deep in ice with 'Cryonics is
Cool' in startrek letters above it. It makes a great T-shirt and is
guaranteed to get conversation started anywhere ;-)

Send me a mail and I'll forward it to you (specify a format if you don't
have Corel).


     _/ _/
    _/ Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, _/
   _/ for they shall never ceased to be amused. _/
  _/ _/

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