Tour of MITI EL facility

From: Doug Bailey (
Date: Tue Jul 07 1998 - 07:25:20 MDT

To Extropian list members:

I will be in Tokyo, Japan from July 13th to July 19th on business. I have arranged to meet with Dr. Nobuyuki Otsu at MITI's Electrotechnical Laboratory in Tsukuba on July 15th as part of my research for my book on transhumanism. Dr. Otsu stated a few other people could accompany me on a tour of the facility and an impromptu demonstration of an agent system that integrates visual recognition and speech. If any extropian list participants are in Japan and wish to accompany me, send me an email. I have heard accounts that this new "virtual human agent" is extremely impressive. I'll let everyone know how things went upon my return.

Best regards,

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