Re: The image of transhumanism

From: Marlin May (
Date: Sun Jul 05 1998 - 09:06:40 MDT

Anders and Greg have hit squarely upon a key challenge. Namely, "What is the
most efficient way to spread extropian / transhuman memes"? I've often
wondered how many people have unsubscribed from the various incarnations of
this mailing list when shouting matches erupted. Or how many times people
who call themselves extropian have found themselves turning off someone to
extropian ideas after a heated, face to face, full blown argument, not
because their arguments were unsound, but because they attempted to "convert
an umbeliever" by drowning them under a tidal wave of every extropian /
transhuman meme all at once.

Far better to win mindspace one rationally argued idea at a

Marlin D. May

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