Re: Re: The image of transhumanism

Date: Sun Jul 05 1998 - 15:52:23 MDT

In a message dated 7/5/98 12:41:56 AM, you wrote:

>replied that we are survivalists (in the sense of not wanting
>> to die prematurely and doing something about it), often believe in a
>> singularity and would have great use for an island nation with
>> transhumanism-friendly laws. This is of course true, but misses the
>> point in a rather revealing way.
>No, I don't think I've missed the point, lines 4-6 acknowledge your
>PR concerns.
><quote from original message>

yes, but beyond the "PR" question, in my mind, there is simply an adversion
to the whole survivalist meme, one post recently called the singularity a WOLF
- suggesting we are up against some kind of apocolyptic evil force, and like
pigs to be taken to slaughter - if we don't prepare for the worst - etc -etc-

not all transhumans see the singularity as a bad thing, or even something
unnatural - surviving a day of surfing is way different than catching the
biggest wave and riding it with mastery.

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