Re: The end of Privacy

From: Hara Ra (
Date: Fri Jul 03 1998 - 18:10:14 MDT

Jim Barnabee:
>The only real hope I can see for this type of endeavor
>lies in the fact that most governments are extremely ignorant. One 15
>year old with an outmoded commodore and a good brain can do more damage
>to civilian and military infrastructure in most countries than an atomic

Not. Security, control and who gets into what is a major military concern,
and most if not all of the really important stuff is not accessible from
the outside, let alone a kid with a C-64. There's lots of publicity about
breakins to systems which are less than essential, many of which are so
poorly administered that the manufacturer's default superuser access codes
were never changed. It's a matter of priorities. And pretending
vulnerability is a valid military tactic.

| Hara Ra <> |
| Box 8334 Santa Cruz, CA 95061 |
| |
| Death is for animals; |
| immortality for gods. |
| Technology is the means by |
| which we make the transition. |

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