The End of Privacy

From: Jim Barnebee (
Date: Fri Jul 03 1998 - 16:01:50 MDT

  Forgive me if this is not timely, I just read through yesterday's

     With regards to guns in any society - "An armed citizenry in a
polite citizenry" - Aldous Huxley (Brave New World). Generally, given
most individuals desire not to think more than 5 seconds ahead, having a
majority of the citizenry armed is a way to induce societal
responsibility, not diminish it. In America, there is an odd societal
meme that states that protecting oneself,family, and property with
lethal force from a projectile weapon is somehow wrong. See the recent
case of an individual being tried for murder in California for shooting
an individual robbing their home. As a US citizen, you are much better
off (legally) killing your attacker with your bare hands or a bladed
weapon. This legal conceptualization (the "right to stand your ground
law") which has gone out of vouge in the US lately is ,IMO, one of the
reasons for the increase in violence and severity of crime in the US.
(There are other cultural memes at work, but that is not the subject of
this discussion)

    With regards to the Government encroaching on individual freedoms-
that is the purpose of governments. The question is whether or not the
applications of these restrictions are equitable for the stability they
produce, and whether they are uniformly applied. The US government under
current law has the power to arrest any person and hold them for 6
months under no formal charges, to confiscate all of their worldly
possessions, and since they are technically not under arrest, to do
anything they like without allowing the "accused" any legal
representation. (Check the RICO act... " possession of any device
capable of being used in a fraudulent manner "..." constitutes
terrorism" This includes fountain pens, credit cards, etc.) As to
uniform application, look at the case of Bernie S.

   The question the American people need to consider is if these
restrictions (i.e. virtually unlimited government authority) are
equitable for the stability (Ha!) of American society. If not, then the
mechanisms do exist to repeal the laws, or place other representatives
in power. 2 problems : 1) I have yet to hear of , meet, or read about
any candidate for any office (other than the libertarians) who had a
clue about recent cyberlaws, or their effects. 2) 85% of the American
people still belive that they directly elect the president, and are able
to recognize Micheal "Magic" Johnson, but not Alan Greenspan (Argueably
the most powerful man in the US).

    The best thing going for most of us (extropians, et. all), as I have
said previously, is that most of them (governments, politicians,
managers, pick your Hierarchal structure) are dumber than most of us,
and while they will resist change, new ideas, and thought with every
fiber if their little Homer Simpson beings, we can, through patience and
careful planning, bring them out of their squalor. (Whether they like it
or not)

   "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances
which permit this norm to be exceeded - here and there, now and then-
are the work of extremely small minority, frequently despised, often
condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people.
Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes
happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into
abject poverty.

     This is known as "bad luck."" --Heinlein

    As to the ability of individuals who wish to extend the
biopossibilities of the human race having the ability to kill with a
clear conscience - "A brute kills for pleasure, a fool kills from hate"
=-Heinlein again. One of the few downsides to a universe ruled by
conscious decision and chaotic systems is the fact that "necessary" and
"desirable" are not always in sync. To take a life (of any animal, even
people) because it is desirable, is stupid, and wasteful. To take a life
because it is necessary for food, clothing, shelter, survival,
preservation of life or individual integrity is not something to become
"emotional" about. If "sleeping at night" is an issue, reexamine your
motivations before hand. "Thinking" implies considering the
possibilities of your actions, their ramifications, and your reactions
to them.

                     Jim Barnebee


"The future has arrived; it's just not evenly distributed."
                          -William Gibson

       Jim Barnebee
       e-mail :



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