Re: Turtles, turtles, turtles... (was Re: Creationists)

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Jun 30 1998 - 17:23:51 MDT

> So Thom, the artist, made Hara Ra a marvelous bronze cast sculpture. It
> shows Hara Ra as himself wearing a large turtle shell, spinning the world
> on one finger while standing on the back of a large turtle, whose four feet
> rested on four smaller turtles, whose 16 feet rested on the backs of 16
> smaller turtles, which then stand on 64 yet smaller turtles!
> Hara Ra named the sculpture "Fractal Turtles", (Thom calls it "Tortelinni")

Now that's what I call Extropian Art!

Harvey Newstrom (

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