Re: New Utopia

From: Tony Hollick (
Date: Sun Jun 28 1998 - 14:59:18 MDT

   Well, first of all there's the problem of the 200 mile economic zones
   _everywhere_, which are an assertion of State sovereignty and

   Your next problem is that your State is probably ahead of you already
   -- it will assert that _you_, as a subject of its sovereignty, carry
   its sovereignty to any new territory you discover or create. You're a
   US citizen? Bingo! You've just helped Uncle Sam to a bigger slice of
   the world's surface area.
   You want to relinquish your nationality? Chances are your State won't
   _let_ you, except if you're taking up another nationality. It's
   actually quite hard to acquire 'stateless' status. What will you use
   for travel documents?

   Then there's the Floating OPEC -- the UN Law of the Sea Treaty...
             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------
   Still, let's suppose that you (and all of your associates, who will
   include a secret agent or two, natch!) manage to create Terra Novo. To
   every State on Earth, this is Terra Nullius -- it has no recognized
   standing in the International bodies (including the International
   Court). How do you propose to enforce your own claim to sovereignty?

   If you're attacked by pirates or marauders (perhaps State agents in
   disguise -- Major-General Ed Lansdale used to dress up Phillipine
   troops as HUK insurgents and send them off to attack Phillipine
   villages, so that the terrified villagers would promptly seek
   government 'protection'...), how do you propose to defend yourself
   militarily? If your little kingdom becomes militarily powerful, it
   becomes veeery attractive to all sorts of other vastly powerful
   para-statal folk (drug-lords, arms traffickers etc). How ya gonna keep
   'em out...

             ------------------- * * * * * ---------------
   There's a fine novel by Eugene Vale (author of the magnificent --
   indeed unmissable -- novel 'The Thirteenth Apostle') published around
   1964 -- "Chaos Under Heaven" -- which delineates beautifully an
   idealistic attempt to set up precisely such an anarchist "New Utopia."
   And its problems...

         / /\ \

      Tony Hollick, LightSmith (LA-Agora Conference) (Agora Home Page, Rainbow Bridge Foundation) (NorthWest Coalition Against Malicious Harrassment)

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