Re: Voluntary End of Privacy ?

From: Michelle Jones (
Date: Sun Jun 28 1998 - 12:25:39 MDT

> >As we develop more and more powerful technologies which are more and more
> >efficient in their potential to be used to interfere or restrain the
> >individual's rights, the threat of government overreaching becomes even more
> >amplified, and by neccessity, will force the body of individuals to elect to
> >discontinue that outmoded practice.

do you mean to discontinue the outmoded practice of using privacy-violating
technology? do we then develop communications technology that is
encoded for privacy? ok, i see, but i am still interested in the notion
of hiding in plain sight. i want to go ahead and offer the government
the ability to track me down with little or no effort, then downsize the
government to compensate for this convenience i am handing over
to it.

in fact, i want to become the government in a sense. i have no
desire to control anyone. i want to *create* something that would
cause people to come to me or us, voluntarily, to join, to plug in
to the superorganism and evolve to the next plateau... spike

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