Re: Ethics, Egoism, and Rationality

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Sat Jun 27 1998 - 16:45:57 MDT

> [DanF]
> Not necessarily, and it's because of the generalization principle.
> If it is rational for me to be an egoist, then it is also rational
> for you to be an egoist. However, if we were both egoists, we would
> both be worse off; this is bad, according to egoism and a
> consequentialist value system. So what we find is that egoism fails
> to meet the requirements of generalization according to egoism's own
> value system; for this reason, egoism is fundamentally irrational.

> It's like the Prisoner's Dilemma: egoism demands that we both
> incriminate each other; utilitarianism demands that we both keep
> silent. Utilitarianism provides better results, so it is rational,
> according to consequentialism.

The prisoner's dilemma only applies to short-term interactions,
not repeated ones. This is the mistake many non-egoists make with
their naive refutations of egoism: what they reject is not egoism
per se, but _short term_ egoism. Most "selfish" acts that seem
evil do so not because they are selfish, but because they are not
selfish _in the long run_. Criminal behavior, for example, may
lead to short-term gains, but in a world where most values are
achieved by interacting with others multiple times, crimials do
far more poorly than rational long-term egoists, who understand
that cooperative behavior is, in the long run, more profitable.

For extropians, for whom even mortality is a problem to be solved,
should be that much more inclined to think long term, and therefore
value behavior that benefits us throughout our immortal existence
and not just take a buck when we can. Under these conditions,
egoism is superior to utilitarianism in every respect.

Lee Daniel Crocker <>
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