Re: Creationists

Date: Thu Jun 25 1998 - 16:16:53 MDT

Interesting meme...that people are sooooooo terrified that life has no
"meaning"...that there has to be someone "responsible"...

Lots of tag words. God, evil, meaning, good...responsibible...heaven,
hell...beleiver...infidel...apostacy...heretic...blaspheme....yapata yapata...

You hear yammering about relegious freedom? In reality they want freedom to
persecute others while not being persecuted themselves. The history of
relegion is rife with relegious group against others.

In the past I've heard the phrase..."Freedom OF relegion..but not freedom FROM
relegion'...referring to the constitution or somthing. Disgusting thought.

In reality nature IS...and doesn't much give a hoot one way or another. We can
sit in our sand pile and paint our bellies blue and bow and scrape to made up
gods...or not. If we make it fine...if not...well how many million species
are we aware of that went extinct? Does nature care? Of course not...the
very concept of "caring" and "nature" is an anthropomorphism....and incorrect.


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