Re: PGP5 W/ Eudora3 (was Re: free launch)

From: ChuckKuecker (
Date: Mon Jun 15 1998 - 21:23:00 MDT

At 06:13 PM 6/15/98 -0400, you wrote:
>The passphrase is the secret password you were asked to make up when PGP
>was first installed on your computer... your password is required not only
>to decrypt messages but also to sign them.
>What's this? You don't know what password I'm talking about? I don't know
>what happened, here's how you fix it (ONLY do this if you can't
>remember/don't know the password).
>But first, a word to the wise: when you're using PGP for the first time,
>don't use the "Send Keys" option until you're sure you won't forget your
>password or accidentally erase your private key (this happened to me and
>now there are a couple of completely useless, undeletable keys floating
>around forever). Once you know your way around (a day or so of playing
>with it should be enough) then you can publicize your key.

Okay! I think I know what I screwed up - I was half asleep when I was
setting up PGP and probably did not recognize the need to memorize
something..I will run the key generator again per ypur suggestion..


Chuck Kuecker

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