Light Speed Instantaneous ?

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Fri Jun 12 1998 - 12:03:17 MDT

It is stated that the speed of light is
not instantaneous, and as such, the light
from distant galaxies is "old light."

I believe that that idea is illogical.
It is an accepted fact that at the speed
of light, there is no time, time is fixed
at 0, and thus the idea of an "old photon"
is inherently illogical. This means that
as a photon travels, it travels WITH the
instant of its emission and "carries"
that instant with it, and thus the
speed of light = the speed of time.

The idea that photons travel slow, or
not instantly, assumes that something
travels faster. The idea of the slow
photon rests upon the old fallacy of
a universal time that is synchronized
across all space instantly, and the
photon is slower than universal time.

Below we see the slow photon traveling
from A to B in separate galaxies. The
photon's travel is not instantaneous
because the universal time synchronizes
the clocks at A and B faster than SOL
(the numbers 0,1,2,3 measure time):

   A & B under universal time

       A B
      --- ---
       0* 0
       1 * 1
       2 * 2
       3 *3

The transit from A to B was not in-
stantaneous, for the photon reaches
B at a different time than it left A.
But that analysis to totally illogical,
unlike the following analysis where the
photon traveling from A to B reaches B
at the same time it left A because the
speed of light = the speed of time:

       A B
      --- ---
       0* -3
       1 * -2
       2 * -1
       3 *0

Since the photon is always at the same
time in its frame of reference, and as
such is the "speed of time," it reaches
B at the same time it leaves A.

The idea that the speed of light is not
instantaneous seems to be based upon the
false concept of a universal time that
is uniform across all space and time
(as depicted in the first diagram),
which travels faster than the photon.

The speed of light is instantaneous
in that a photon is always at the same
instant and reaches all points on its
course through space at the same instant
because it effectively IS that instant.
So it is both not instantaneous from our
point of view, and yet it also is instan-
taneous. So the SOL is both A and -A.



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