Sikhs & the East

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue Jun 09 1998 - 16:02:49 MDT

At 09:19 PM 6/8/98 -0700, John K. Clark wrote:

>I'm pretty sure Lao Tzu would be interested is some of the things we talk
>about and I'd certainly love to hear what he thought about them, to a lesser
>degree the same is true of Buddha. Kabir didn't have the intellectual
>firepower of a Lao Tzu but I'll bet he was a nice person, almost a
>libertarian, can't say the same for his later followers, the Sikhs.

  IAN: The Sikhs became a warfare-associated religion
  (carrying of knives is a religious costume) only after
  attempts by others to exterminate them. The original guru
  of the Sikh tradition, Guru Nanak (1469), was very much a
  libertarian. The work ethic and a de facto privet property
  basis of free trade was and is the Sikh social ethic.

  Guru Nanak was against magic and ritual and persuaded
  people to look for the truth, not miracles and rites.
  It was not till Guru Gobind Singh, the ninth and final
  head Guru after Nanak, that Sikhs adopted the warrior
  model, but it's my understanding it was defensive.

  While Buddhism tends to be a religion where the highest
  ideal is retreat and contemplation, Sikhism's highest
  ideal is of a religious householder involved in some
  form of productive enterprise. Apart from the
  horrible examples of terrorism in modern Indian
  culture, Sikhism has strong libertarian ethics.

  A page on Sikhism:

>he had the ability to laugh at himself. If Jesus or Mohammed subscribed I'd
>put them in my kill file along with the $$ MAKE BIG MONEY NOW $$ people.

  IAN: Consider that most of mathematics kept
  flowing out of India, even as math continued
  to progress, innovations like 0 and negative
  numbers came from India (via Arabia). I
  think that eastern thought is still hundreds
  of years a ahead of the West, and we can see
  that in religion. Western religions are vir-
  tually all of a primitive tribal nature, but
  yogic, Buddhist, and Taoist philosophies (be
  they true or false) are phenomenally sublime
  and evolved observations of the nature of
  being, mind, and reality, intricate sciences
  of bodily postures and breathing systems that
  induce states of expanded awareness. These
  philosophies and technologies are, like our
  system of numbers, signs of high evolution.

  What the West has had, more than teaching
  people about science, is free market capi-
  talism and limited government. Free markets
  have advanced our society more then science,
  for example, the USSR produced more scientists
  than we did (I believe), but they went nowhere.
  A scientist with no captial investment is null.
  So the fact that we are more technologically
  evolved than the East creates an illusion
  that we are more intellectually evolved,
  but in fact only measures that we had
  high IQ in the political areas expressed
  in willful limitations on central authority.

  The east has been drawn in totalitarian govt.
  If free-market capitalism could take over the
  East, we'd see an explosion of technological,
  capital, and intellectual evolution the world
  over, the likes of which we have never seen.


  "A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its
 opponents and making them see the light, but rather because
  its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows
   up that is familiar with the idea from the beginning."

                 Max Plank - Nobel physicist

     "The smallest minority on earth is the individual.
       Those who deny individual rights cannot claim
         to be defenders of minorities." Ayn Rand


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