Re: Biotech-> Bio-TYRANNY ?

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Jun 08 1998 - 11:21:41 MDT

At 12:35 AM 6/8/98, David C. Harris wrote:

>Ian, I think you cry "wolf" too quickly.

  IAN: As I clearly stated, I posted
  a review of what I read and requested
  to see counter arguments before making
  up my mind. I think it unwise to fail
  to cite for review and consideration
  any purported threat to liberty. As
  is then most often the case, such
  claims with respect to technology
  turn out to be totally illogical
  and thus serve as evidence of the
  pro-liberty reality of technology.

  Setting a precedent of Govt control
  of technology should always be seen
  as an explicit threat to liberty, and
  most relevant to Extropians, so it's
  wise that issues related to this be
  raised and carefully considered.

>The granting of a patent does not grant the right to produce something,
>merely the right to prevent others from producing it for 20 years. If
>collectively we ban such a gene's sale, the patent holder has no right to
>sell it.

  IAN: But even after 20 years you cannot grow
  from dead seeds. It's not that seed companies
  owe you seeds that will yield a crop next year,
  it's that if such seeds eventually dominate the
  market, there could be undesirable repercussions.

  It all centers around monopoly. So long as there
  are a wide variety of options available, the event
  of universal mono-genetic "seed killing" crops and
  subsequent dependence upon 1 company is less likely.

  This issue does touch upon examples pertaining to
  the anarco-libertarian case against patent monopoly.
  Also the value of private initiatives to warehouse
  seeds of all varieties of crops. If non-TT genes
  cannot be wiped out, the market could be there
  to bring them back when and if TT turns bad.

  The wise "marketeer" might go out and start
  building his own seed bank for the future.

>As to such a gene "escaping" into other crops.... If a gene makes a life
>form's descendants LESS likely to reproduce that gene, then the gene tends
>to die out in the evolutionary competition.

  IAN: This occurred to me, and as such, that the
  gene could be self-eliminating in the gene pool.
  But constant cross pollination from neighboring
  farms could (?) wreak havoc on farms that rely
  upon seeds for next years crop. If true, I'd
  define that as a property violation, not un-
  like a nuclear power plant being next door.


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