Re: Is It True What They Say About Tarski?

From: Tony Hollick (
Date: Sun May 31 1998 - 15:55:18 MDT

Christian Whitaker wrote:

>I am not certain your example is physically correct; EACH individual
> That particles should have wavelengths is odd, but true, as far as we
> can tell.

  It isn't at all odd! Classically, all particles can spin (and
  counter-spin) and vibrate on three orthogonal axes. The complexity of
  frequency-generating properties is awesome. Anything with a frequency
  has an accompanying wavelength.

  If particles of light are considered as rotating electric dipoles, they
  have all the frequency characteristics exhibited by photons.
  Similarly, if alpha-particles (helium nuclei) are considered as rotating
  systems they will have an accompanying frequency, and will evidence
  interference effects. Surely enough, they do.

  I must insist that you not conflate Quantum Theory (initially, the study
  of light as quanta or particles) with Quantum _Mechanics_, which is a
  subset of approximation methods.
> The uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to precisely
> measure a particle's momentum and position simultaneously. If one is
> measured precisely, the other becomes unbounded.

      Heisenberg's point is that 'observing' an object entails bouncing
      light off it, so we can see where it is or what it's like. But the
      impact of the 'observational' photons disturbs the object. Thus we
      may only select a particular (!) attribute for 'observation.'
      All this 'observationalist' stuff is positivist old hat and can be
      demolished quite readily. We can _retrodictively correct_ the
      observation results.
      You then waffle on about the measurements of blue photons from the
      sky. All his life, Leonardo da Vinci wanted to know:
      "Why is the sky blue?"
      We now know the answer. Rayleigh scattering by the oxygen
      molecules. Evaluat this on Tarskian principles and you have a
      reasonable clear truth.
> I will further translate E into mc^2 (which describes all aspects of
> momentum but the direction). x=h/mc^2.

     Even in Classical times, 'e=mc^2' was perfectly well known, and
     precededed Einstein by decades. It requires no 'relativistic' or
     'quantum' hoo-ha.
> Planck's constant is constant

    Wake up man -- it's a ratio!

> as is the speed of light.

    Not according to Richard Feynman in Quantum Electrodynamics. Not
    according to the ballistic theory of light. Not according to
> Unfortunately Newtonian physics had to be abandoned because it does
> not adequately explain the behavior of light (and other things, but
> light was the initial problem). Your explanation works slightly better
> because it is not Newtonian. Photons cannot have frequencies
> independent of other photons within Newtonian physics.

    All of this is crap. Strictly, Newtonian physics is a subset of
    Classical Mechanics -- the three Force Laws, plus
    instantaneously-acting gravitational force. If you blend in the
    ballistic theory of light you instantly explain _all_ optical
    phenomena, starting with Michelson-Morley, where the light source is
    simply stationary vis-a-vis the apparatus. A null result is
    fully predictable. But people were trying to fit Michelson-Morley
    into a 'waves-in-the-aether' paradigm. A ballistic theory was
    Lorentz cooked up his electrodynamics to give a set of equations
    explaining the M-M result as caused by contraction of the parts of the
    apparatus, caused by aether-flow compressing the dimensions of the
    apparatus. He misappropriated Voight's [1887] Doppler equations to
    make the wrtched thing work.
    All the equations of Lorentz's theory and Einstein's 'SR' theory are
    _identical_ The theories are _identical_ (except that Lorentz
    provides physical explanations). This allowed aether
    theorists to coexist uneasily with no-aether theorists --
    Einstein says 'Forget the physics -- just apply Lorentz's equations.
    _Postulate_ the speeed of light as a constant in all frames of
    reference ond the sums will add up. For this to work, you have to go
    with a new mechanics. Go with that, and the speed of light will always
    come out at a constant, because it's built into the structure of the
    theory. The only problem is that the same object can have
    indefinitely many sizes simultaneously, and physics is reduced to a
    Neither Special nor General Relativity have given science or
    technology anything it didn't have anyway. All the SR/GR
    'predictions' were _prior discoveries_ -- knwn years previous to SR or
    GR. We can do most Quantum Theory work without Quantum Mechanics.
    We can build atom bombs. We can build thermonuclear bombs. We can
    build microprocessors and lasers.
    Who needs all the SR/GR/QM crap? >:-}

    As Werner Heisenberg wrote:
    "Classical Mechanics is everywhere exactly 'right', everywhere it's
    concepts can be applied."
    It's the measuring instrumentation that (temporarily) defines the
    practical limits of accuracy. And they get better all the time.

      For a full explanation of these issues in plain English:



         / /\ \

      Tony Hollick, LightSmith (LA-Agora Conference) (Agora Home Page, Rainbow Bridge Foundation) (NorthWest Coalition Against Malicious Harrassment)

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