Re: >H Hayflick on death and immortality

Date: Sat May 30 1998 - 14:14:58 MDT

In a message dated 98-05-30 13:35:45 EDT, you write:

<< Could it really be that, of the
 aprrox. 6 billion people on earth, only a couple of hundred or so really
 rationally ? >>
frightening...but all too possible...ok, maybe it's in the

seems to me that the problem is that thinking takes too much effort for most
people. far easier to let someone else think for them, f'r instance, their
"Psychic Hotline"...

i realise that my posts tend to sound a little disparaging of the mental
abilities of most people, but the evidence is all 'round me, in the papers, on
tv, even just walking down the block. i am often astounded at the sheer
ignorance, stupidity, and obliviousness i witness.
i'd be interested to know how the list feels about this. do you feel that
people in general are smarter than they are given credit for?..does it only
seem as if the general level of knowledge, understanding, and intelligence is
slipping?..or is this a legitimate concern?
i dislike to be so negative, but at least once a day i find myself frustrated
or inconvenienced by someone's boneheadedness
i'd appreciate some feedback from the list.. thanks.Cori

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