Re: TWA Flight 800, reflections on

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat May 30 1998 - 12:08:09 MDT

At 02:30 AM 5/30/98 -0700, Hara RA wrote:

>> IAN: That there is a conspiracy to conceal
>> witness accounts, the satellite data, radar
>> data, 1/3 of the plane, and more is real.
>How can it be? Doesn't Conspiracy = ~Conspiracy?

  IAN: BoInG! But but... now wait a minute there. :)
  But seriously: Yes, in that we can meaningfully
  denote a given subset of things as "a conspiracy"
  if, and only if, we can denote another set of
  things that are "not a conspiracy." We would
  properly state this: C <=> -C, and if C did
  not imply -C, C could not be implied. As
  such, this symmetrical implication
  defines a logical union.

  C = (-C => C) C is its implication by -C.
 -C = (C => -C) -C is its implication by C.
  The holistic point (so to say) is that the
  identity structure of C contains both C and -C.


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