Mystical Validation Tested

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Fri May 29 1998 - 21:01:14 MDT

At 11:25 AM 5/30/98 +0000, Damien Broderick wrote:

>To define an elephant is not usually to distinguish it from quasars and
>English muffins, though the act of definition, by definition, has the
>side-effect of excluding it from those and all other non-elephant classes.

  IAN: Is the exclusion of the area around this
  letter A a "side-effect" of the identity of its
  interior or is it THE effect of its interior?
  In other words, is exclusion a lesser charact-
  eristic of identity, or are both inclusion
  and exclusion equal characteristics?

>`A' can be divided from `non-A'.

  IAN: Can inclusion in subset A be separated
  from the process of exclusion from A? I would
  say that the process of inclusion into A is
  the process of exclusion from A. To say A
  is bright is to exclude dark from A.

  Is there any positive feature of A that does
  not simultaneously define exclusion from A?
  If not, then A defines the union of A and -A.


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