body weight and mortality

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Fri May 22 1998 - 03:47:59 MDT

  Cornoni-Huntley JC. Harris TB. Everett DF. Albanes D. Micozzi MS. Miles
  TP. Feldman JJ.
  Epidemiology, Demography and Biometry Program, National Institute on Aging,
  National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892.
  An overview of body weight of older persons, including the
  impact on mortality. The National Health and Nutrition
  Examination Survey I--Epidemiologic Follow-up Study.
  Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 44(8):743-53, 1991.
  The authors studied distributions of body weight for
  height, change in body weight with age, and
  the relationship between body mass index and
  mortality among participants in the Epidemiologic Follow-up
  Study of the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHEFS)
  (n = 14,407), a cohort study based on an representative sample of the U.S.
  population. Percentiles of body weight for
  height according to age and sex are presented.
  Cross-sectional analyses of body weight suggest that mean
  body weight increases with age until late middle age, then
  plateaus and decreases for older aged persons. However, longitudinal analysis
  of change in weight with age shows that younger persons in the lower quintile
  at baseline tend to gain more than those in the higher quintile. Older
  persons in the higher quintile at baseline have the greatest average loss in
  weight. The relationship of body mass index to
  mortality is a U-shaped curve, with increased risks in the
  lowest and highest 15% of the distribution. Increased risk of
  mortality associated with the highest 15th percentile of the
  body mass index distribution, as well as the highest 15% of
  the joint distribution of body mass index and skinfold
  thickness, is statistically significant for white women. However, the risk
  diminishes when adjusted for the presence of disease and factors related to
  disease. More noteworthy is the fact that there is a statistically
  significant excess risk of mortality for both race and sex
  groups in the lowest 15% of the body mass index distribution
  after adjusting for smoking history, and presence of disease. Those in the
  lowest 15% of the joint body mass index and skinfold
  thickness distribution, were also at increased risk. Risk of
  mortality for both men and women who have lost 10% or more
  of their maximum lifetime weight within the last 10 years is statistically
  significant, even when controlling for current weight. This study has
  replicated previously reported relationships, while correcting for several
  methodological issues.

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