Psychic Dog Network, CALL NOW!

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Thu May 21 1998 - 10:26:50 MDT

At 04:01 PM 5/19/98 -0800, you wrote:

>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> They involve setting up video cameras in the homes of pet owners to
>> record animals' activities while their owners are away. Then they ask
>> owners to return home at unpredictable times -- by taxi and not their
>> own car.

>... I know that a study I did read about showed that most of this dog
>'psychic' behavior was them hearing the sound of their owners vehicles
>at a far greater distance than previously thought capable.

  IAN: The article quoted above noted that a taxi was
  used to eliminate the possibily of auditory clues
  causes by a dog's familiarity with its owners car.

  I can see it now PSYCHIC DOG NETWORKS! "Don't be fooled
  by other psychic-dog services, only PDN uses real psychic
  dogs, yes that's right REAL psychic dogs! Call now for your
  free 2 minute consultation. Just ask Rover anything and he'll
  give you the answer, the answer YOUR looking for. 2 barks means
  "yes" and 1 bark means "no." What have you got to loose? Call NOW!


  This could really cut the overhead for those psychic "services"
  since they could just have tape recorders attached to the phones
  programmed to select either a 1 or 2 bark recording after the
  caller's voices pauses for a few seconds, indicating that a
  question was just asked and the caller is waiting for the
  reply. A slight delay would even induce the impression
  that the dog was accessing the "inner-psychic channels."

  Personally, I think that those psychic networks skirt or
  totally breach the standard of fraud, but enforcing such
  a case against them would be so difficult since the nature
  of the "product" they "supply" is so intangible. I think
  it simply comes down to, the dumb will just be ripped off.
  Playing slot machines is even smarter than calling "psychics."


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