Re: MATH: Number Base Models

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sun May 03 1998 - 03:02:10 MDT

ChuckKuecker ( wrote:

>The idea of base 1 arithmetic is fine as a thought experiment, but it seems
>to me that you lose any advantage to 'packing' information. If you want to
>express a large number, you will end up with a huge number of 'bits' so to
>speak. A useful computer would be awfully complex.

  IAN: Absolutely truth. Base 1 is pre-data
  compression. The set of positional number
  systems is a set of data-compression rou-
  tines; base 1 is not a positional system.

>Also, if you only have one symbol for the base one system, how do you
>represent zero? No symbols at all?

   IAN: You don't need zero in Base 1 (assum-
   ing that we define base to allow 1) because
   zero operatis as a placeholder in a possitional
   number system; yet base 1, or tally-mark numbers,
   is not a possitional number system. As such, the
   * difference * in the value of any 1 in any base
   1 column in the number 11111, = 0, since the
   defintion of colum value in base 1 is:

   column 1 2 3

   base 1: 1^2 1^1 1^0
              1 1 1
              1 1 1 = 3

   The value of each column is the same (or their
   value-difference equals zero) unlike that found
   in any base n > 1 number system. Value jumping
   between columns of all base n > 1 systems is
   the very function of data-compression, thus
   0 value difference = 0 data compression.

>I think that by the time software evolves to the point of being able to
>drive a true AI, the individual bits and underpinnings will matter as much
>to this entity as the precise operations of our brains matters to us on a
>moment to moment basis. Likely, a digital computer based AI will be a lousy
>computer programmer, at least as far as modifying it's own 'brain' on an
>instant to instant basis.

   IAN: Base 1 is significant in that it is the
   real "natural number" system. It is how brains
   count from "the ground up." Our fingers are
   base 1 digits. Real Intelligence (RI) does
   not count with the binary base 2 system.

   Base 1 is significant in number theory in that
   it is the only number system that is a member
   of both the set of "conceptual mathematical
   systems" and "the real world." Base 1 is the
   intersection of the number engine of math and
   the real world. 4 (b10) or 0100 (b2), or 10
   (b4) must always mean this many things: 1111.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->

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