Re: extropian "lost" . . .

From: ChuckKuecker (
Date: Sat May 02 1998 - 11:13:09 MDT

At 03:13 5/2/98 EDT, you wrote:
>>I'm quite dismayed by the number of `contributors' to this list that I now
>>automatically filter straight into the trash. It wasn't this way a couple
>>of years ago when I subscribed. Moan, moan.
>I quite agree . . . the very reason I don't contribute at all.
>The "orginal" extropian list and attendant interaction was very different than
>it is
>today. Perhaps this has been irretrievably lost . . .
>Charles Ostman

Is there a master guideline for what is and what is not a proper sumbission
to this list? I would be interested in reading it..

Chuck Kuecker

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