Re: A Challenge To All Extropians

From: ChuckKuecker (
Date: Sat May 02 1998 - 11:13:14 MDT

At 07:02 5/2/98 -0700, you wrote:

>The number of people in Congress may
>amount to 1/450,000 of the general
>population, but the number of people in
>*all* branches, departments,
>administrations, districts, bureaus, and
>"services" of government amounts to a
>ratio more like 1/3.

And 98% of these have little or no accountability to those who elect
representatives, or anyone other than their direct supervisor. Just look at
yesterday's news of IRS agents harassing politicians..

Once a bureacracy is in place it is damned hard to disloge it. Some of these
critters might survive the death of the government that spawned them.

Chuck Kuecker

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