Re: Jesus Christ????

From: Thom Quinn (
Date: Thu Apr 30 1998 - 13:35:46 MDT

Yes, Asian Christs do exist! I've seen them.

ChuckKuecker wrote:
> At 12:21 4/30/98 CST, you wrote:
> >Has anyone ever taken the time to notice that all pictures of Jesus
> >Christ may be wrong? I ask because I belive that he may have
> >actually been black! I mean he did come from that area and it is
> >proven that it was a warmer climate at the time.
> >
> Depictions of Christ vary from culture to culture. Here, the standard is a
> WASP male with a sad expression. In Hispanic areas, he is darker and more
> Hispanic looking. In Black countries, he is more than lokely Negroid in
> appearance. I have yet to see an Asian Christ, but I am still realtively young..
> Chuck Kuecker

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