"Ideal" transitional society blueprint

From: den Otter (otter@globalxs.nl)
Date: Mon Apr 27 1998 - 05:15:37 MDT

Elaborating on recent threads...

Operating system: constitutional "monarchy".

Automatization is pushed to the max in all fields -->

-- no-one is forced to work for a living anymore, there is a decent "bottom
standard" (free housing, food, clothing, gas, water etc.)
-- everyday life gets more user-friendly because machines
are faster, better, considerably more reliable and politer than humans
-- the road is cleared for massive progress, now that one of the major
obstacles has been eliminated
-- those who want more than just the minimum and those who like to
keep busy will still be active in those jobs that can't be automated yet.
They have a fairly standard (money) economy, buying services from
eachother and/or goods from specialized (private) shops etc. Anyone
can at any time try to join the regular economy, failure has no serious
consequences (unless you make debts with the wrong kind of people,
of course;-).
-- some people will abuse their newly found freedom, so the justice system
needs to be swift and sure (see the "Justice & punishment" thread). Note:
only truly harmful acts should be punished (I think it's clear what that means).
-- in return for the freedom and unpredcedented welfare people should take
fewer, preferably none, children. The system cannot maintain unlimited
numbers of non-working individuals. For the same reason immigration
would have to be strictly monitored, preferably only allowing those who
have the skills and willingness to work (actively contribute). As the level
of automatization and efficiency increases, these rules can be adapted
(allowing more children/immigrants).
-- education is also free (and of course as automated as possible) and is
focussed on teaching people critical thinking skills (and transhumanism,
of course ;-) apart from the more standard subjects like maths, languages
-- of course the transition must be _gradual_, the state using tax money (and
income from national lotteries, sex industry, narcotics sale and other such
lucrative businesses (with high quality standards, of course)) to build the first
automated, largely self-maintained factories. As automation increases taxes
can be reduced until there is nothing left. What can't be made for (virtually)
free will be paid for with income from the abovementioned "lucrative businesses"
(preferably no state monopoly, btw).

Inevitably at a certain point the Singularity hits, and all becomes obsolete,
but untill then this just might work.

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