Re: German extropians

From: Verdop (
Date: Sun Apr 26 1998 - 13:56:23 MDT

Hi Grant!
Thx for taking so much effort. But it is like Erik wrote: the babelfish
translations are not really correct, so misunderstandings would appear very
Besides I can understand your mails also when they are written in english,
cause I can look up for words I don`t know.
Well, I`ll try to limit my grammatical mistakes when I post sth in this
list... ;-)
CU, Verd

>Why would a transhumanist let a little thing like language stand between us
>(even though I don't speak German)
>My reply in German is at the bottom.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Verdop <>
>>sorry Erik, hab deine Mail nicht genau genug gelesen.
>>manches von dem was du geschrieben hast, ist tatsächlich nicht
>Translated by babelfish(;
>Dear Erik, only times thanks for the response! I know the Extropianer to
>extent (thus, the principles, in approximately) I look up people, with
which I
>can discuss on German! The principles of the Extros I find, and which most
can I
>agree interesting.
>Reply from Grant through above translator;
>Hallo Erik und Verdop, hoffe ich, daß Sie viel mehr deutschsprechende Leute
>finden können, um eine lokale extropian Gruppe zu beginnen. Schicken Sie
uns >das URL, damit andere extropians ein Link zu Ihnen auf ihr web page
setzen >können.
>Dieses bildet es einfacher, damit andere deutschsprechende Leute Sie
>Gutes Glück,
>Ich bin ein extropian
>Grant Sparks

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