Re: Project Star Net

From: Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Date: Tue Apr 21 1998 - 09:16:18 MDT

> From: Yak Wax <>

> John K Clark wrote:
> > The basic idea has merit, I always thought
> > the huge star ship Enterprise was dumb
> > because there is no point in hauling
> > millions of tons of matter around the galaxy
> > when you can send the really important part,
> > information, much easier.
> The reason they can convert matter to energy but somehow find it
> easier to transport the matter is because shows about networks of
> self-replicating seeds don't exactly hold the fish-like attention span
> of your average audience.

Maybe hyper-radio has some bandwidth limitations? The transporter
system can obviously work in both directions with a mechanism at only
one end (I suspect that scanning a person for upload -- and
disassembling him in the process -- while he's on land and your
equipment is in orbit is rather a bit futher out than the basic
scan/upload process), but it obviously has incredible bandwidth.
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