Re: Plane crashes and other accidents

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Thu Apr 16 1998 - 11:54:16 MDT

At 06:08 PM 4/16/98 +0200, Anders Sandberg wrote:
>Doesn't most airplane accidents occur during start and landing (not to
>mention while on the ground)? In that case, parachutes would not be
>very useful during the accidents.

  IAN: That's correct. Mid-flight accidents are very
  rare. Your greatest chance of dying in-flight is by
  far during take off and highest during the landing.

  Mid-flight accidents are usually collisions or bombs,
  in which case the fatal catastrophe is so fast one
  would probably not have time to put on a parachute.
  Engines can go out mid-flight, but the pilots can
  still manage to land, but once again, it's the
  landing that will probably kill you.

  Maybe in a case like that people should have
  the option of bailing out with a parachute
  prior to the high-risk landing.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->


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