Re: Transhumanist Declaration (New and Improved)

From: Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin (
Date: Tue Apr 14 1998 - 03:45:18 MDT

> From: Brian D Williams <>

> From: "Warrl kyree Tale'sedrin" <>
> >> The IRA are not after any lands but their own.
> >Do they not wish to have a government of their own devising?
> Of course..
> >Do they not wish to include lands owned by people who don't
> >support them?
> Absolutely not, Northern Ireland is occupied by British Forces and
> their allies and has been for many years, but they do not own that
> land, and never will.

I see. The IRA wants Northern Ireland partitioned into two sections,
with one section falling under their rule (and, presumably, passing
to the Irish government) and another section going in some other
direction (presumably remaining British) according to the will of
those persons (presumably mostly Protestants) who live there.

No, I am not talking about "British Forces". I am talking about
PEOPLE. Bartenders, farmers, housewives. Who happen to, for various
reasons, prefer British rule, or at least prefer *not* to suffer the
fate that the IRA would choose for itself.

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