RE: META: Re: [Meta] - Attachment problem???

From: PaR (
Date: Sun Apr 12 1998 - 08:45:22 MDT


>Jason, would you please remove the MS-TNEF attachement crap from your
>mails? I understand this is difficult, if you are handicapped with a
>MicroShit mailer, but I believe there is an option to turn it off
>somewhere... It is turned on by default, of course, don't we all
>love Microsoft sooo much for it?

Like I said in a previous post, I apologize for any inconvenience.

I don't typically use MS mail programs because *I don't like using MS
products any more than you do*. Since I don't typically use this mail program,
I was not aware that the attachment was turned on by default.

I believe I have changed the appropriate option now, so it should
not send attachments anymore. Please let me know if this is the case
or not. Since this email program automatically translates any of
those types of attatchments *I have no way of knowing wether or
not I have corrected this problem without feedback from others.*
(The wonders of Microsoft.) The attachments don't show up on my
end. So please let me know one way or the other.

And as soon as I get my new email account set up, and my new UNIX
box set up, I won't be using ANY of this MS crap AT ALL.

I can understand the benefits of having a listserv policy of using only
plain text. I would have gladly followed that policy if *had I known my mail
program wasn't set for that.*

I hope I have this corrected now, and I hope we can all mellow out a bit on
this topic. (I was a little freaked out by it myself, siince I didn't know what
the problem was.)


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