RE: humanism vs. transhumanism

From: Dan Fabulich (
Date: Sat Apr 11 1998 - 11:50:49 MDT


PaR wrote:

>To whoever wrote the above: Why do you feel the need to "secede"
>from the "USG" (so-called)?

As an unrelated quote... It IS the United States Government, yes? Not the
"so-called" USG?

>What *practical* freedoms do you want that you do
>not know have?

I'd like to be able to do whatever I want with my own body. (The FDA and
the religious right disagree with me.) I'd like to be able to speak
freely; even if I'm on television. I don't want to fight/die for the
voting majority, even if the voting majority decides it would be a good
idea to draft me. I want to buy what I want, and only what I want, from
whomever I choose. (Right now I am forced to pay for whatever the
government does; I want to stop paying for it if I don't want it.)

>What prevents you from achieving what you want?

A voting majority, sadly.

>What prevents
>you from puttinging in place the practical means to achieve the above?

Well, I could try to convince the whole electorate to change their minds
about all of these things and more; I do try to convince as many as
possible. It isn't working, at least for now. And I will never be able to
get everyone to agree with me.

So, in light of that, I'd like to go secede by myself, and not bother
anyone with my weird ideas about liberty/justice.

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