Homeostatic routines (was Re: definitions for transhumanism)

From: PaR (par@nu-world.com)
Date: Sat Apr 11 1998 - 06:38:52 MDT

>Anders Sandberg wrote:
>We are in some sense underdefined, we can consciously set up our own
>goals and act on them, and this undermines homeostatic
>routines. Fortunately.

The human body has been observed to work in a homestatic way.
Many aspects of the human nervous system have been observed
to work in a homeostatic way. It would seem that humans are
genetically programmed to work in a homeostatic way.

I think this carries over to the pschology of human consciousness.
Human consciousness as it has evolved seems to operate in a
homeostatic way as well. Perhaps a fundamental success
principle, or a fundamental principle for the future evolution of
trans and post human consciousness will be to overcome this homeostatic
nature of consciousness.

Any thoughts, comments, questions, disagreements?

Temporary email address: PaR@NU-World.com (new one coming soon!)

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