RE: BOOK: Gender Shock

From: PaR (
Date: Sat Apr 11 1998 - 06:23:58 MDT

>Kathryn Aegis wrote:
>I have concluded that if we don't stop operating on intersexual babies (2,000 per year in the
>U.S. alone are 'corrected') we are most likely cutting off a path of
>our own evolution at its source.

      Thanks for the book recomendation.

      I have one question though: who is this "we" you are refering to? :-) I'm not flaming you or
      anything. It is just an honest question. Should I assume that you mean "americans", or
      should I assume you mean humans. I know *I* certainly haven't operated on any intersexual
      babies lately. :-) And I'm pretty sure that most of the transhumans on this list haven't either.
Although this list does attract some pretty interesting characters. :-)

temp email address: (new one coming soon)

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