Re: exhaustive research on life extension

From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Fri Apr 10 1998 - 02:42:57 MDT

From: Gordon Hooper <>

> > According to my exhaustive research conducted over a lifetime, a diet high
> > in pizza, salt, eggs, beer and vodka, with an ice cream chaser,
> > contributes to longevity in humans. Note I have done this research
> > personally on my own body, you do not have to extrapolate data from fruit
> > flies and rats. This is the real thing, tested and proved on my human
> > (more or less) body.
> > The proof is that I have lasted into my fifth decade. It was intimated by
> > doctors and friends when I was in my second decade that if I continued
> > eating and drinking with such wild abandon, I would not reach the age of
> > thirty. Boy, did I prove them wrong. And look at all the fun I had
> > doing it!

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