Re: Beating a dead horse?(Was: Transhumanist Principles)

From: Dan Clemmensen (
Date: Wed Apr 08 1998 - 17:24:08 MDT

Hal Finney wrote:

> Suppose technology evolves to the point where people can create new
> biological entities in the privacy of their homes. Biotechnology
> allows you to grow an organism with a desired genetic code in an
> artificial womb. You can create people in this way, and modify their
> genome any way you like.


> By the same reasoning, reckless experimentation which stood a good
> chance of suffering would be wrong as well, although not as much so.
> Most of the examples above could lead to disastrous outcomes if not done
> carefully or if the procedures were not well understood.

Isn't this aproximately the current state of affairs in normal human
procreation? how do your scenarios differ in this regard?

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