HEALTH: Juice 4 The Heart

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 - 10:13:57 MDT

Excerpts from The Washington Post Health Magazine (03/31/98):

    Drinking purple grape juice may turn out
    to be as effective as taking a daily aspirin
    to prevent the formation of blood clots that
    can lead to heart attacks.

    That's the conclusion suggested by a small,
    preliminary study reported yesterday by John
    D. Folts of the University of Wisconsin Med-
    ical School at a meeting of the American
    College of Cardiology.

    Folts, who first showed in animal experiments
    in 1974 that aspirin can lower the incidence
    of heart attacks, has been studying substances
    known as flavonoids, present in purple grape
    juice, tea and red wine, that reduce the stick-
    iness of platelets (small blood cells that
    initiate clotting). ...

    In the new study... [g]rape juice reduced
    platelet aggregation by an average of 84
    percent--a stronger effect than that pre-
    viously reported for aspirin. ...

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->

G O N E ->

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