FYI: malignant mail (II)

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Tue Mar 31 1998 - 03:55:48 MST

Beware of too powerful mail clients. Orelse, suffer.

attached mail follows:

Ewwww. You turned on the "Use Microsoft's Viewer" option under "Viewing
Mail", didn't you? Or maybe you never turned it off.

That uses OLE IE 4.0 to display your mail. This means that I could embed a
src tag into an email message that would crash Eudora, ruin your stack, and
make your day suck.

The offending tag is:
<EMBED SRC=file://C|/A.ABOUT_200_CHARACTERS_HERE___________________

I kindly left off the end bracket so that you could actually see this
message. I could crash Eudora, but you might never figure out WHY you
couldn't look at my message without fucking up your computer.

If you don't use IE 4.0 embedding, everything is peachy. Now, turn off that
option or suffer later.


At 12:04 PM 3/30/98 , you wrote:
>This also works in Eudora 4.....
>Bill Plein Home Page:
> PGP Key:

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