Re: Time for a jump in quality?

From: den Otter (
Date: Mon Mar 30 1998 - 15:17:48 MST

> From: Anders Sandberg <>

> Things might get even more fun if we start to use mediated reality a
> la Steve Mann, where cameras and image processing are a natural part
> of the wearable computer. He has made a quite good claim that such
> technologies enhance freedom instead of taking it away.

My idea exactly. Empowerment trough better (surveillance) technology.
> Apropos this interesting subject, I have heard that there are many
> buildings in Holland deliberately surrounded by low hedges and with
> large vindows allowing passers-by to see in, apparently part of some
> kind of "we have absolutely nothing to hide" memeset. Is this true, or
> just a misobservation from my source?

First time *I* hear this...But I suppose it could be true, yes. Some time
ago I have noticed a general trend towards "openness" in banks, post offices
etc. No more reinforced glass and strict devisions, but shapely open
counters, friendly colors and such. We live in strange times...

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