Re: Face on Mars

From: =- deluxe -= (
Date: Sat Mar 28 1998 - 15:15:53 MST

I don't know why I'm playing the side of the believer, but it seems like
the underdog is always worth rooting for. Why are you supposedly
open-minded people so into calling it the "Face on Mars" idiocy???

(sorry if I over generalized)

But it seems that until its proven one way or the other, you should at
least remain open to the possibility that yeah, life MAY have existed
there.. Perhaps its more complex than reducing it to a simple 50-50
chance, but it seems like with any bold new discovery there needs to be an
chance that something extraordinary might be true.

I wish that I could put this into better words, it just seems like this
whole thing gets reduced to fiction WAY too quickly. Lets wait to see what
is found before calling it reducing it to the ideas of the deluded.

By the way, as much as you'd like to think, our government HAS not been
very straight with us in the past. In fact, our US Government has done some
absolutely heinous things AND covered them up in the name of national

deluxe - the delusional mad conspiracy freak! (-:

and devils advocate.

Mark D. Fulwiler wrote:

> Once NASA photos disprove once and for all this "Face on Mars" idiocy,
> you can be sure the true believers will be claiming a conspiracy to hide
> the truth. Oliver Stone will then probably make a movie about it. :-)
> Mark

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