Re: extropians-digest V2 #430

From: Arjen Kamphuis (
Date: Sat Mar 28 1998 - 15:01:44 MST

 At 10:58 28-03-98 -0800 somebody severly sex-starved wrote:
>suck my phat dick assholes!

About 4 zillion times (which makes one doubt about size ;-)

Mario, please go back to being a Sega-game or something.
Or, if you have a coment on something, be more specific and less profane.

Currently disrespecful,

Arjen Kamphuis

     Arjen Kamphuis | "Here Be Dragons", read the ancient maps | in all the white spots that seemed large
                        enough to hold the fabled creatures.

                        let's go dragon hunting.

                         Transcedo, the Dutch Transhumanist site:


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