Re: Free Markets Decentralized?

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Mon Mar 23 1998 - 04:18:51 MST

Yak Wax ( wrote:

>> IAN: Your effort is to equate Hitler responding
>> to Jews with deadly gas to suppliers responding
>> to consumers with better washing machines. It's
>> a shell game. The difference that your analysis
>> obscures is that one set of responses are acts
>> of aggression and the other are acts of service.
>The analysis doesn't have to take the 'act' into count, at no time
>have we appended "with agression" to the definition of "centralised."

  IAN: An analysis that does not take
  the nature of the things analyzed into
  account is not much of an analysis. If
  we fail to observe that free markets are
  different than Nazism, we'll probably end
  up with National Socialism. Your saying
  that we don't need to take X into account
  is asking us to fail to observe difference.

>> The response by Hitler is an effort to suppress
>> control by the many, the response of suppliers
>> to consumers accepts control by the many. Your
>> trying to make "the different" "the same as."
>Many acts of "acceptance" and "supression" would be commited by either
>a Nazi dictator or a supplier. I'm sure the average CEO takes many
>decisions that could be considered to "supress control of the many"
>and I'm sure Hitler made many changes to his plans due to the will of
>the people.

  IAN: The effort to equate the free-market
  supplier with Hitler seems to be an effort
  to demolish the truth and misrepresent the
  free market. Right off-the-bat I can tell
  you that there is a difference between
  Sears and Hitler. Why someone should
  want to obscure that difference
  seems rather suspect to me.

>> So what's your (central) plan for decentralization?
>We should all strive to be in the centre.

  IAN: Well that's what suppliers try
  to do by supplying the best products. So
  the market fits your ideal decentralization.

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->


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