Re: Phobocrat

From: catkawin (
Date: Sun Mar 22 1998 - 14:47:00 MST

Mr. Mann wrote:

> Subject: Phobocrat (was "Constitution" & "President" Pemes)

> >We have to use our minds to expand in a way that could
> >snowballs. We could activate the minds of others into
> >becoming more potent freedom weapons. We have to do it
> >in this way because we are *only* full sovereign in a
> >world of freedom and sovereign individuals.

> Some freedom lovers say that "freedom is indivisible,"
> meaning that for any one of us to be free, everyone has
> to be free. The logical extreme is that if there's just
> one unfree person on earth, then everyone else is also
> unfree. Suppose everyone were free. If I then locked
> up just one person, suddently everyone else on earth
> would be unfree.
> But, what if I'm really free and sovereign *by nature,*
> irrespective of the freedom and sovereignty of others?
> What if I can discover that I'm free and sovereign by
> nature -- and then, develop my knowledge, wits, and
> resources to the point that, for most practical purposes,
> I can live as a free sovereign -- irrespective of the
> "unfree" masses around me (who haven't yet discovered
> they're free and sovereign)?

Mr. Mann speak her against his own words: "We have to use our
minds to expand in a way that could snowballs. We could acti-
vate the minds of others into becoming more potent freedom
weapons." Why should we do this if we are really free and so-
vereign *by nature*, irrespective of the freedom and sovereig-
nty of others and if we can live as a free sovereign -- irres-
pective of the unfree masses who haven't yet discovered they're
free and sovereign?! If we can live as free sovereigns without
others -- why to hell should we activate other minds into more
potent freedom weapons?!!

And on the other hand:
Who is my freedom and sovereignity by nature if I live in a
poor country with 50% unenployment, a high inflation, no industry
and 150 $ annual salary average per inhabitant?! Who is my free-
dom and sovereignity by nature if I am very poor and hungry?!
Who to hell is my freedom and sovereignity by nature if I don't
find solvent customers for my service in a backward country?!

I didn't say that "freedom is indivisible" -- but we have to accept
that the system isn't only a spiritual phenomenon; it's a fallacy
that the system havn't no negative practical economic effects. To
free humans from 'peme' programs as the only simple way to give
everybody a chance to discover they're free and sovereign is a
midlle class dream in industrial countries. If we should activate
our freedom and sovereignity by nature irrespective of others than
we need a developt economy like the industrial nations and last but
not least a access to the internet -- and this isn't for 80% of
humans on earth a option.


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