====> TransVision '98 <====

From: Berrie Staring (staring@worldonline.nl)
Date: Fri Mar 20 1998 - 06:07:49 MST

Dear all,

Transcedo invite's you to join the first:
European Transhuman Gathering

 5th - 6th - 7th of June 1998

in Weesp, The Netherlands
(near Schiphol, near Amsterdam)


5th: 18:00 check in Hotel
             19:00 Welcome by Transcedo
             19:30 Dinner
             21:00 As we please......

6th        09:00 Breakfast
            10:00 Presentation about Transcedo
                     (by Berrie Staring)
            11:00 Presentation about W.T.A.
                     (by Nick Bostrom)
            12:00 Discussion
            13:00 Lunch
            14:00 Presentation by Anders Sandberg
            16:00 Presentation by Arjen Kamphuis
            18:00 Fresh up
            19:00 Dinner
            21:00 As we please...........
7th       10:00 Breakfast
            11:00 Presentation about Cryonics
                     (by TBC)
            12:00 Discussion European Cryonics Network
            13:00 Lunch
            14:00 Entertainment
            16:00 Farewell.....& the next TransVision
7th - 8th - 9th....etc. Contact members of Transcedo
for guided tours trough this big country :-)
PRICE:   $150,-- ( 300,-- Dutch guilders) per person
              single room: 2 nights ( 9 rooms available)
              $125,-- (250,-- Dutch guilders) per person
              share the room with 1 person: 2 nights 
              ( 9 rooms available)
              $50,-- (100,-- Dutch guilders) per person
              (for the days program)
The above includes:  2 x Dinner; 2 x Lunch & Breakfast
                              the conference room
The above does not include: Drinks & extra's at Dinner
(but I added some guilders at the above prices to have
 coffee and thee)
* If we have more then 27 people spending the nights,
  it's possible to get some extra beds.......................
PLEASE CONFIRM ASAP: to me that you will be there
and let me know what you would like. I will make the 
reservations so BE SURE...........
Of course we will help you to find the location, but trust
me, it's very easy :-)
Hope to hear from you all before the end of this weekend.
Best regards,
Berrie Staring  Email : staring@worldonline.nl
Co-founder: Transcedo  Dutch >H Society
Site: http://www.dse.nl/~transced/
" So, you own the seed........ It will not become
  a Bonsai, unless you let it grow and cut wisely"

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