Re: HTML: woes

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Wed Mar 11 1998 - 12:21:04 MST

Dwayne wrote:

> Michael Lorrey wrote:
> >
> > That even ascii based browsers like ALPHABrowser now support HTML email indicates
> > that even the most primitive interfaces are capable of rising above their origins.
> hmm, I wasn't aware of this. Do you have a url? The stand alone browser app JSB has licensed to WYSE. JSB packages it as
part of their AlphaWindows office package.

> > Its people, and their stubborn resistance to change that is the sticking point. As
> > extropians, we need to get the anti-change meme out of our systems through regular,
> > habitual purging of obsolete techniques, tools, etc. from our regular use.
> I entirely agree. However, I really don't think that plain-vanilla ascii email is
> "obsolete", and I'm not really sure why HTML is so vastly superior. All I've seen so
> far is the ability to change fonts and colours. Woopee doo is my reaction to that. It
> in no was changes the -content-, merely the presentation. We're still reading text,
> it's just text prettified up slightly.

At this point. Much more interesting stuff is possible. For those of you who have browsers
that are 'shocked', check out:

This guy is really on the edge. He is the new standard we should all shoot for for web

> I agree with what you are saying in principle, it's just that I don't think it applies
> to email. If even one member of the list cannot read HTML, why should the rest of us
> exclude this person, when it really serves no valid purpose? Is the ability to mix and
> match fonts going to make the list more useful than the opinions/thoughts/rants/agitprop
> of that individual? I doubt it, although suffering through the interminable abortion
> thread makes me doubt this conclusion.

Flip it. Why should the rest of us who are moving ahead be held back by the stubborn
intransigence of those opposed to progress? This list is for forward thinkers.

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