Re: HTML: woes

From: Geoff Smith (
Date: Tue Mar 10 1998 - 22:38:16 MST

Michael Lorrey <> wrote:
> Most european accent systems can be replicated in an HTML compatible mail
reader by
> using tags that specify a standard international character set that is 7
bit, and is
> recognised as an alternate font.. Microsoft has several as does DEC.
> International and DEC Multinational are two that I have come across
regularly in
> mail data files customers in other countries send me at work for
processing. I don't
> understand, though, why Germans would use a capital B with a tail as a
> for the 'ss' in -strasse ??? Is it a different pronouncement?

Yes. Beta is a short 's', as in sheiBe. (or sheiBen, shieBe?... German
Blang iB not my forte)


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