Re: ETHICS: The Marginalization of Humans and the Abortion Issue

From: Michael Lorrey (
Date: Sat Mar 07 1998 - 15:56:08 MST

Mark Miloscia wrote:

> Michael Lorrey wrote:
> > Get it through your head that it isn't something we can do anything about unless the people of
> > those countries rise up and get rid of the hoodlums in charge who purposefully create these
> > situations.
> Am I being thick headed in thinking the the richest, the smartest, the most powerful nations on this
> planet, if they worked together on this issue, can do something to mitigate death? I don't thick we
> gave it our very best effort, an effort equal to our other best efforts, and it's now better to
> concentrate our efforts on other more important issues.

We didn't give it our best effort, because if we did, our opponents in the international scene would use
our actions as ample fodder for all sorts of negative PR about us. Not only that but the people in
Africa do NOT want our best efforts, since that also means that we will be expecting THEIR best effort.
No more skimming, scamming, pillaging, and all the other easy ways to make a buck any more.

> > Hunger in Africa is not about droughts and starving innocent people, its about tyrants
> > using well meaning liberal morons as puppets to extort money out of westerners through guilt, while
> > at the same time violating the laws of war to fight internal insurgencies.
> >
> I agree with both you and Jim Peron. Let's not try the failed policies of the past, but let's not
> stop trying.

They must start trying before we can...

   Michael Lorrey
------------------------------------------------------------ Inventor of the Lorrey Drive
MikeySoft: Graphic Design/Animation/Publishing/Engineering
How many fnords did you see before breakfast today?

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