Borgian Memetic Power

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat Mar 07 1998 - 16:16:47 MST

James Daugherty ( wrote:

>Collectives are real entities, conscious beings. They subsume individuals
>to the extent that individuals are unconscious. Memes are to collectives
>as genes are to biological organisms.
>As Gurdjieff pointed-out, most individuals fail to be individuals. They
>are cells in social organisms controlled by the collective's memetic
>field....similar to the Borg.

  IAN: Yes, the power of the Borgian-memetic field rules
  the minds of the masses! An ideal example of the power
  of "Borgian memetics" revolves around the TWA 800 mis-
  sile theory, which is crazy exclusively because the Borg
  says so. The Borgian memetic generator is the GovtMedia.

  How can physics, all physical evidence, and dozens of
  witness accounts compete with the Borg? They cannot!
  The Borg rules the minds of the masses, even the major-
  ity of those who fancy themselves one-up on the Borg.

  I can't think of a better example of the raw power of
  Borgian memetics than TWA 800, the power to make truth
  fantasy and fantasy truth by the mere word of the Borg.
  Even libertarians soak up the CIA's pseudoscientific
  and utterly debunked TWA 800 video, it simply boggles
  the mind! What are laws of aerodynamics (which render
  the CIA video a fraud) next to the word of the Borg?
  Laws of aerodynamics are nothing next to the Borg.

  What are the actual measurements of the flight data
  recorder (FDR) (clearly measuring the impact of an
  externally sourced pressure-wave) next to the almighty
  word of the Borg? FDR data is nothing next to the Borg.

  What is the distribution of debris over 1 mile to the
  right of the flight path (proving without question that
  the crash event experienced massive inputs of external
  kinetic-energy) next to the word of the Borg? Ballistic
  geometry is nothing next to the sacred word of the Borg.

  What is the radar track of a ship speeding away from
  the scene (that radar-horizon mathematics prove must be
  over 58 feet high, and which also travels at 30 knots
  like a large Navy cruiser) in addition to other tracks
  that behave like submarines, when compared to the word
  of the Borg? These silly fact are nothing to the Borg.

  What is a photograph which even the FBI admits is an
  aircraft (which is obviously more like a missile drone
  than any variety of aircraft, proving military activity
  in the are) next to the Borg's word? It's just nothing.
  Just nothing:

  How can over 100 witnesses who saw a streaking flame
  rise up from the water, trailing white smoke, taking
  down TWA 800 be right when the Borg says "no missile"?
  No number of witnesses can be right if the Borg says

  How dare physics, math, physical evidence, facts and
  witnesses second-guess the Borg, how dare they!! The
  Borg alone reigns supreme, all else is false. All who
  say "not" are crazy! The crazy may have to be locked
  up; ergo, those who question the Borg may have to be
  locked up:

VISIT Ian Williams Goddard ---->


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