Re: Art (was Re: Skeptics Take on the Extropian Concept)

From: =- deluxe -= (
Date: Tue Mar 03 1998 - 01:37:07 MST

Interesting point of view.

I would say that the reflection of human nature in life, tends to give
people a sense of meaning, which according to Segan's film Contact, science
has failed to provide.

I think humans, particularly scientists, seem to think that they can
control nature itself. This dangerous perspective is responsible for the
misuse of advancements in science which have led to one of the worst eras
of earths history, in terms of pollution.

ahh who knows what I'm trying to say..

where's my coffee.


Hal Finney wrote:

> I think some of the motivation for the debate comes from an attitude
> which is not often stated but underlies the hostility towards artistic
> endeavors. It can be expressed baldly as:
> The discovery of penicillin has done more to increase the sum total of
> human happiness than all of the great literature, paintings, and other
> forms of art, combined.
> And similarly with other scientific discoveries. The idea is that art
> is fundamentally a form of entertainment, something to occupy the mind.
> But the real changes in the world, the ones which will totally reshape
> human society over the next century, come from science and technology.
> All the transhumanist art in the world is not going to turn us into
> transhumans. Only technology can do that.
> I'm not saying I share this attitude, but I think it is good to express
> it in bold and even offensive terms just to get it out in the open and
> let people respond.
> Hal

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