Re: MEDIA: Icon magazine feature in March issue

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Mar 02 1998 - 10:58:26 MST

> Michael would take that as a compliment! The societal demand for
> conventional, bland attractiveness in pop culture bores him to tears.
> Actually, this aesthetic still pervades Athens, Ga, a town of very
> interesting humans whose very existence in the Deep South never
> ceases to amaze me. They would hook into some of the transhumanist
> ideas quite nicely.

But let's hope not all of them do: If I have wake up from
suspension 100 years from now and listen to the B-52s, I
might think twice :)

(As an aside to the question about GA Extropians, I'll point
out that while I currently live in Sacramento, CA, I was
born in Valdosta, GA and spent much of my youth in the South).

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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